Thursday, December 8, 2016

Job Plans and Topic Review

My plans were, after graduation and flight instructing, to go to the regionals. From there, I would move up with a final goal to go to the majors. After taking this class, I still believe that my future goals are still the same. Ever since I became interested in the field, i have always been interested in flying in the majors. Throughout the middle of the semester, I really began to consider joining the military. However, I really started to veer from this idea. This is because I would be joining only for the monetary benefits for student loans. I began to realize this was the wrong decision.

Once I graduate, I plan to be a flight instructor; hopefully with the flight center. I want to get my hours built up to the point where I can move on to the regionals. I want to get into the industry as fast as possible in order to get experience quickly.

I felt that talking about aviation organizations. Joining an organization is crucial to both, keeping updated on current events and making connections. With an industry all about having experience and knowing the right person, it is crucial to meet all sorts of people. You never know who you may stumble upon.

Aviation Emissions, in my opinion, was the least useful topic we discussed. As an industry with very little emissions to begin with, it almost seems a topic that doesn't need much attention. I feel that many other forms of transportation contribute much more emissions.

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